Hey there! I came across your repository due to my interest in age estimation using PyTorch.
If you look at the Kaggle Dataset as given in the link, it gives you Training Datasets (12611 images) …
When I tried to run "create_db.py", after the progress bar reached 100%, my computer was frozen. After a while, the command line output a word "killed". Since a file called imdb_db.mat was found in th…
https://github.com/wayen820/gender_age_estimation_mxnet/blob/master/models/ssr2_megaage_1_1/model-0000.params 中提供的param和model-symbol.json转化就可以了吗?
Update the indicator to only include these data for 2015 and update it to include 2022. Add progress measure and update the default series.
Activity group = Unpaid work activities
Statistics = Propor…
I am getting null as a result of runModelOnImage method. Do you have a solution? Can you help me?
// ignore_for_file: depend_on_referenced_packages
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math' hide log;
As reported by @jfdman
It appears that the coefficients for 3-person households and 4-person households are not being added to the right utility equations in estimation mode. These are the coeffic…
jpn-- updated
2 months ago
Hi, super nice project!
I was wondering if you evaluated the model with mae?
And if possible, would you mind sharing your pretrained model, maybe as a release?
idanh updated
4 years ago
after load the trained weights 'bmi_model_weights.h5', it return ValueError: Cannot assign to variable conv3_block1_0_conv/kernel:0 due to variable shape (1, 1, 256, 512) and value shape (512, 128, 1,…
# Using Ranking-CNN for Age Estimation #
- Author: Shixing Chen, Caojin Zhang, Ming Dong, Jialiang Le, Mike Rao
- Origin: http://www.cs.wayne.edu/~mdong/cvpr17.pdf
- Related:
- https://github.…
# Ordinal Regression with Multiple Output CNN for Age Estimation #
- Author: Zhenxing Niu, Mo Zhou, Le Wang, Xinbo Gao, Gang Hua
- Origin: [http://www.cv-foundation.org/openaccess/content_cvpr_201…