Sometimes when performing 3D classification without alignments on particularly heterogeneous datasets, I find that starting using poses from a classification, rather than a single class refinem…
in spring changing of discharge cutoff SOC was possible by ioBroker object "Discharging Cutoff SOC [batUseCap]"
now it doesn't work. (probably since server change?)
changes on smartphone app and w…
Unfortunately I don't have a reproducible example because this is just popping up with a few versions of a big model. When I fit the model with cmdstanr, the following works:
> loo::loo…
In Section 7.5.2., **MCMC accuracy**, Kruschke presented the results of a couple simulation studies on effective sample size. From the text, we read:
> To get an intuition for the (in-)stability of…
In the AM logs the following message is regularly being logged:
### HMM Evidence Likelihood
- [x] Given X = {..} -> Given observation sequence X =
- [x] \theta = ... -> GIven HMM parameters \theta =
- [x] Head(H) -> Heads (H)
- [ ] Rewrite as: Before we …
There is this USD Preview Surface test for plastic that is not showing highlights in the GLSL/OSL renderings in the render tests:
## Pitch
Challenge #68 is about the back-end part of having an external service that stores calendars in a pod. Initially, it will be launched and configure on the command line, but there is also a…
#### Summary:
Reorganize the stan example repository and include predictive metrics for the purpose of a collective model set which will be used as the Bayesian computation benchmark.
#### Descri…
Would it be possible to add direct modbus/tcp support ? For example, the Smile-T10 with current software update supports modbus on port 502/tcp (and I can pull data using home-assistant modbus…