In my server, Ubuntu 20.04 (amd64), php 8.0.29, when using http-client with HPackNgHttp2, php process memory will getting keep increase.
But change to HPackNative, php process memory will be stable w…
Hi there,
It seems as if `rubix/ml` can't be installed with either `amphp/amp ^3` or `amphp/phpunit-util ^3` because of `amphp/parallel`.
composer install
Deprecation Notice: Using ${var}…
Fatal error in phabelio/phabel
PHP 7.2.34
Windows 22000.376
"require": {
"php": "^7.2",
"mixplat/mixplat-php-client": "^1.0",
Hello! I'm refactoring the client for RabbitMQ, moving it from amphp v2 to amphp v3, and am a bit confused about when not to use the `async` function. For example, we have a connection to rabbit over …
In lsp mode inside nvim I get this error message:
but when I run "laravel-dev-tools views . > vie…
It's a PSR-18 client: https://github.com/amphp/http-client-psr7/ compatible with fibers.
I was just experimenting a little bit with ext-fiber, and was wondering whether running closures concurrently will be supported. Say I have an array of closures that will fetch stuff from mysql and th…
Hi, @userqq would you like to help me with installation and first run of this script?
I have installed php7.2 with php-cli, eio and composer. After running `composer install` there are no errors, b…
Code to make the connection pool:
$config = [/* OMITTED */];
$tlsContext = (new ClientTlsContext())
> We plan to eventually have a PSR-7 adpter on top of our current API, but we don't plan to make our API directly depend on PSR-7 here.
it will be really nice to have PSR-7 support th…