I'm using asp.boilerplate with angular, I cannot connect to the signalR server automatically. I find in abp documents connecting signalR for jquery template but cannot find how do this in angular?
I'm trying to load npm:angular-ui-sortable through jspm. It doesn't load right now. It expects it can use angular.element.fn, which is not defined in jqlite. Therefore jQuery is needed. jQuery, h…
Angular is supposed to work with web pages and mobile apps. Currently, the angular project (see previous issue) was ran as a web page. Find out how to transform, or run the angular project as a mobile…
See the following:
- https://github.com/algotech/angular-boilerplate/issues/1
- https://github.com/diegonetto/generator-ionic
- https://github.com/thaiat/generator-angular-famous-ionic
This repo. consist of angular JS commonly used Design Patterns like services, factories etc and other boilerplate code in Angular JS.
I used bower-away to migrate [angular-seed](https://github.com/angular/angular-seed) from `bower` to `yarn`.
The project was successfully converted to Yarn.
I found all bower components in `node…
I'd guess that some things have updated and package.json doesn't specify the right versions, but I just wanted a quick-start boilerplate AngularJS app, and on loading I get these errors:
There are some boilerplate that needs to be done after npm install this package. Would you consider providing `ng add` schematics for the Angular users?
Please update the boilerplate to use the latest stable version of Angular and Typescript.