Look at APFT failures or non takers for examples.
IOT highlight personnel requiring specific attention, highlight the number of consecutive failures that the SM has on the APFT list.
Now that we have a rough mechanism to associate a USER SOLDIER, perhaps it might make more sense to make educated/opinionated UI choices?
i.e. change the header nav to something akin to "My Unit",…
Might be cool to switch the chart for APFT to show how the different scores combine to make the total, i.e. from:
is it possible to add the event scores to the view when looking at a large screen?
Is it possible to include the measurements in a large view? I think this would help in doing compliance checks instead of having to view the detail on every SM. I do like how on ABCP and APFT you cl…
Show statistics for evaluations, ABCP, APFT, Soldiers list
i think the scales should be adjusted. I think the y-axis on both apft and ht/wt should be consistent between soldiers, to avoid showing dispariging graphs. idk if i explained that well
No error mention indicated on prod, but won't let me update DoR, Email, etc.