This could totally be [Undersign.js](https://github.com/moll/js-undersign)'s fault — perhaps by an unintentional reliance on some default option (XML c14n etc) — but worth covering here given …
This is a mirror to track https://github.com/open-eid/libdigidocpp/issues/635. Here's what I wrote on their repository:
> This could totally be [Undersign.js](https://github.com/moll/js-undersign)'s …
Die folgenden Programme sind mir aufgefallen, die vielleicht für das künftige Signieren genutzt werden können:
I’m trying to use libdigidocpp to work with a Slovak version of XAdES, and it appears it is too strict to the input data. I’m feeding it an ASiC-E file with a signed XML as produced e.g. by zep…
I've been getting reports by a user using the latest version of qdigidoc4 and libdigidocpp, and singing with their ID card to fail: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/334397. SmartID sign…
I'm signing an asice container that contains a xlsx file. SiGa successfully signs the file but digidoc desktop app reports the signature as invalid.
The validation error looks something like this:…
Súbory .asice vytvorené vo verzii 2.2.2 nie sú rozpoznané ako podpísané v elektronickej schránke slovensko.sk
In certain situations we would like to publish messages over FiksIO, without handling incoming messages. For example incoming messages from our internal message broker. In those cases we do not need t…
We're trying to make a signing job using an ECC certificate. This fails with the exception message
`Specified certificate with fingerprint "removed thumbprint" is not a valid RSA asymetric key.`
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