Errors Encountered
YAML Exception in Layout.astro:
"mapping values are not allowed in this context at line 5 column 8"
YAML Exception in SocialLinks.astro:
"mapping values are not allowed in thi…
Icon for the Astro framework (https://astro.build/)
## Steps to reproduce
* Open `astro.config.mjs` file
* Change `output` mode to `static`: `output: 'static'`
* Run `npm run build`
### Expected result
Build should provide completely static …
I’m currently using `js-beautify` to format astro files with its HTML formatter, which works fine for the HTML part.
The problem occurs when it formats Astro syntax inside `---` blocks.
For exam…
### Clear and concise description of the problem
Would like to see [Astro](https://astro.build/) support.
### Suggested solution
Create astro.ts file in the folder ./src
### Alternative
_No respo…
### Feature description
Astro will not render if you do not make the following change:
Pls use `import { type VariantProps, cva } from "class-variance-authority"; ` istead of `import { Varia…
I think that it makes sense to support this trending framework
The visual editor is broken in Astro with 2.7.0 and also 2.6.0:
I’m not sure if this is the right repo for this issue, so my apologies if it’s actually related to the `Astro` or `vitefu` package instead of Deno. Please let me know, and I’ll open the issue in the c…