We want more realistic observations in the MAL Simulator to train the ML agent against a policy/agent more similar to the TYR demo.
If users can state a false positive / negative rate on some attac…
After each simulation step, the first item returned is the observations. A single observation currently contains the following keys:
dict_keys(['is_observable', 'observed_state', 'remaining_tt…
### Describe the problem
Right now, a Tauri project contains +400 to +700 packages, not counting the frontend packages which bring this number even further up. See the dependency graph below of simpl…
Copy in the Points gained graph is switched.
Correct behavior:
- Defending is marked with blue color
- Attacking is marked with red color
The `System.Formats.Nrbf.Tests` are getting ocassinally killed on CI. Affecting mostly MonoJIT `linux_x64_release_mono_minijit_librariestests` job and occasionally MonoInterpreter`linux_x64_release_mo…
[Graph contrastive learning with augmentations](https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper_files/paper/2020/hash/3fe230348e9a12c13120749e3f9fa4cd-Abstract.html)
### What feature would you like to see?
This can be found in ttk graph. However, it is a bit hard to read. Also it is not possible to see this info for special attack actions.
### Evidence
_No resp…
Dear Sglang Team,
we are a security research group. We are impressed by its decent design, especially by the shared prefix kv-cache. But as we studied further, more concerns about the security of Sgl…
We should add more alert subparsers to map different alerts to the attack graph.