Hi Team,
This is from Forge Support no. 5326. Please consider adding `x-user-id` support like [the recent update of the Nodejs SDK](https://forge.autodesk.com/blog/nodejs-sdk-update), Thanks!
Any implementation?
I recently was working on this resource:
The attributes of the returned JsonApiResourc…
This is my steps:
git clone https://github.com/Autodesk-Forge/viewer-react-express-headless.git
cd viewer-react-express-headless/
cd server
cp credentials_.js credentials.js
sudo nano /h…
Is there some actual swagger file for Forge API so we can avoid using dynamic variables? Found one at swaggerhub https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/autodesk/forge-dm/1.1.2 but there is no methods for aut…
BUCKU updated
2 years ago
With guid of metadata, we can find viewerable data by **doc.getRoot().findByGuid(viewableId)**, but the viewerable that can be used with loadDocumentNode is its **parent**.
so the line below shoul…
I am following https://github.com/Autodesk-Forge/viewer-android-sample#setupusage-instructions instructions but not able to create a bucket on the given demo apk. (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/De…
There seems to be no "getting started" information in the top-level README nor anywhere else. Could we please add some quick instructions on how to install the NuGet packages, instantiate the SDK mana…
Using AutoDesk.Forge 1.9.7 and getting following error with RestSharp 109.0.1.
Method not found: 'Void RestSharp.RestClient..ctor(RestSharp.RestClientOptions, System.Action`1)