Is there a way of using the C API to do beamforming in a given direction?
Ideally i would like to specify euler angles or quaternions and extract the filtered audio in that direction, using the C api…
在kws_doa_alexa_respeaker_v2.py和其他很多范例中,为什么都是只取了一个通道 比如ch0 作为 关键词识别的通道, 而没有用所有通道 或者 每个通道都做关键词识别呢?
另外 , 除了 snowboy 我想用别的关键词识别器(比如Porcupine) 结合respeakerd。 但是研究了respeakerd,感觉 如果我用“manual_without_kws”启动…
For FRB210407, the following error was encountered:
_Error executing process > 'frb:bform_frb:do_beamform (2)'
Caused by:
Missing output file(s) `210407_frb_0_X_f.npy` expected by process `fr…
Lovely library! Here's a small bug I stumbled upon.
Room.add_microphone() method accepts arraylike or instance of MicrophoneArray for the first parameter.
When using MicrophoneArray with a defined…
This is a catch all ticket for the various CUDA related development work for HIRAX:
- [ ] Transpose kernels to format data for the N^2 Tensor Core kernel
- [X] N^2 Tensor-Core kernels
- [ ] Full …
Paper title: Learn_to_Optimize_RIS_Aided_Hybrid_Beamforming_With_Out-of-Distribution_Generalization
Code webpage: https://github.com/hexingit/RIS-aided-HBF
Paper webpage: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org…
Hi Robin,
Thanks for your help for my previous questions. I'm curious about the answer of the question in the title. Thanks again.
pulseaudio provides beamforming, should i combine it?
eva = array(self.freq_data.eva[i], dtype='float64') ** (1.0 / self.gamma)
when big gamma occours, the precision maybe not enough, then the eva will have some NaN in the result.
This will cause the …