I'm using the (S)CSS modules approach with a BEM naming convention (block--modifier)
The following error message appears : "Unknown class name "header--shrunk"" .
Code works fine and CS…
As we've decided to go with a BEM naming convention, to help people easily contribute to the Chassis project, we need a BEM Style Guide to help understanding the naming convention as we're using it.
Change the naming **Convention** to BEM appropriated **names**
## Current behavior
We have a number of different variable naming conventions in the project:
For referring to elements, by:
- non-prefixed atomic name ([ex](https://github.com/cfpb/capital-fra…
add to wiki page that describe style convention BEM
Regarding the SCSS (CSS) class naming convention.
Read the related article: https://en.bem.info/methodology/naming-convention/
Refactor the code to use BEM convention for css selectors as div class names as per https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/css-naming-conventions-that-will-save-you-hours-of-debugging-35cea737d849/
This is a BEM based naming convention I came up with that helps users that enjoy using Atomic Design principles.
[a/m/o]-blockName__elementName -modifierName
More details can be found …
Follow [css bem](https://css-tricks.com/bem-101/) naming convention to define class name
CSS naming and style conventions are difficult to manage without a collective understanding of how to approach alterations and additions. Additionally, namespace collision between vario…