I see in your `decathelon2` example that point labels, presumably `rownames` in the data set can be plotted by `fviz_pca_biplot` but I can't make this work for my example.
> head(crime2)
Hi there,
I need to find the "Var" coordinates after they mapped in "Ind" or "Biplot" plots.
Some software utilising hires modes works but not all
ROM mapped as 8k
WRX mode in particular seems prone to fail - examples
Dear @jfukuyama,
I would like to use `adaptiveGPCA` to analyze a marine microbiome data set and explore the environmental drivers of community composition. A similar example but using PCoA can be f…
Thanks for such great package!
I have a question: can I generate a "pseudo" CA biplot from a 2x2 table? Since the table does not have enough dimensions to generate a biplot, I though about …
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/home/sdegregori/miniconda3/envs/qiime2-2023.7/lib/python3.8/site-packages/gemelli/preprocessing.py:423: RuntimeW…
I know this isn't an MRE, but should be clear enough. I have this code:
temp_ps = f_and_b_ps
# temp_ps = all_ps
temp_metadata = temp_ps@sam_data
temp_metadata = temp_metadata[,c(
**Describe the solution you'd like**
In the PCA biplot, add a possibility to **change the colors** (and other properties) of arrows that represent features and their labels.
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