"Subscribing to device status messages"
does not make any mention for how long messages are persi…
The [ldp-app](http://ldp-app.mybluemix.net/) already exists on Bluemix at this [route](http://ldp-app.mybluemix.net/). However the app does not currently run. This is likely an issue with the MongoDB …
In the bluemix microservice architecture page, the list of supported components does not feature
1. API Connect and
2. Service Proxy
![screen shot 2016-07-12 at 5 29 12 pm](https://cloud.githubuser…
I learned that Mobile App Builder is being deprecated, here's the announcement:
Although the servic…
Used this [tutorial](https://console.ng.bluemix.net/docs/services/blockchain/ibmblockchain_tutorials.html) to deploy `Car Lease` demo app to Bluemix while working on the first part of the three-part B…
Going through the Deploy to Bluemix flow, the toolchain gets created but the deployment pipeline stage fails due to missing the expected cloudant service. Should include a pipeline config to provision…
Given an action that looks like this:
You were using the track&plan service with my help and now I'd like to cleanup this repo and the link of the RnDTeam with Bluemix. Can You please revoke the Bluemix integration from the account o…
current function pattern is : CloudObjectStorage(sc, credentials, configurationName, "bluemix_cos")
It's wrong to call "bluemix_cos" for IAM usage and SoftLayer_cos for usage with access key and pas…
Trying the latest version of app https://github.com/IBM-Blockchain/car-lease-demo
Deployment of app from the bluemix page https://console.ng.bluemix.net/docs/services/blockchain/ibmblockchain_tutoria…