Sometimes IntelliSense will become corrupted when I edit a Bolero client project, and I have to restart VS to fix it. The errors that IntelliSense reports just indicate to me that it has lost track of…
### Session on Improving devex and fostering community
johnW-ret in CST would like to tackle:
I have tried to fix this before and given up. It'…
When running the instructions, the following appears.
C:\devbox\BugHunt24>dotnet new -i Bolero.Templates
Warning: use of 'dotnet new --install' is deprecated. Use 'dotnet new install' instead…
Following https://github.com/camshaft/bolero/issues/71, I switched to using cargo-bolero from commit 7187c3febbb7ac4dad71a5b6eca42a5039869fa6.
Then, trying to build the fibonacci example wit…
What would be the best way to organize several pages that use Bolero.
Should we have a shared _bin directory?
Please see https://github.com/fsprojects/FSharp.Data/issues/1390
The size of the client application (downloaded to browser) of bolero-app sample (`dotnet new bolero-app`) when published in release configuration (`dotnet publish -c Release`) is almost 13MB. I…
Is it possible to run without Elmish? Would anyone have a simple example of how to set this up and get some html output?
How do you use MobileBlazorBindings with Bolero?
I suggest this be included in the documentation for Bolero, not necessarily as is, but suitably modified. It demonstrates use of the [BlazorNodaTimeDateTimePicker](https://nodatimepicker.azurewebsites…