**Describe the bug**
On https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/aspire/fundamentals/integrations-overview, the two links to AWS's Aspire.Hosting.AWS repository are broken. AWS recently moved this …
Hey, we have integrated `SimGNN` into PyG, but the datasets are currently broken their since the dataset and GED information is no longer available in the Google Drive. Is it possible to re-upload the…
Hello Gravitee team!
Yesterday I sent a Pull Request to correct some broken links in the document (#337).
Today I see that there are 4 more broken links, here: [developer-portal](https://github.…
`docs/source/components/harnesses.md:3: WARNING: 'myst' cross-reference target not found: '../python-sdk/structure/custom-harness.md' [myst.xref_missing]`
`docs/source/quickstart.md:75: WARNING: 'm…
This part in the DG does not lead anywhere after I click any of the hyperlinked text below. Maybe can have a meaningful link in the next release!
![Screenshot 2024-11-15 at 5.18.11 PM.png](https://ra…
With the shutdown of issues.shopware.com the links you recently merged in [resources/accessibility/storefront/index.md](https://github.com/shopware/docs/blob/f6c8887c4bf0daaca1e3a4b0c48d0ba1a53eb92b/r…
Thanks for your excellent work! I want to reproduce your work but at the very first step, all links of the refined benchmarks tell me "Unspecified share exception". Can I download them elsewhere? Much…
Github https://github.com/the-turing-way/the-turing-way/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md#representing-the-turing-way links to a "conferences/" folder which no longer exists
The three links to the LD reference panels (below) do not work.
The following message is d…