Job title is displayed on the Preview page instead of the Profile name
The BSA talent app is open
Android 13
Samsung Galaxy A52 (2340x108…
**User story:**
As a talent, I want to be able to see a block with information about potential employers on the chat screen, so that I can find out about a company before I accept the contact
Full name field displays the profile name on the onboarding flow when filling in steps 1-4 and go to step 4
The BSA talent app is open
You can see screen https://github.com/BinaryStudioAcademy/bsa-2023-bsa-talents/issues/742
**User story:**
As an employer, I want to have a profile screen, so that I can edit my profile information and submit it for verification to the admin
**Acceptance criteria:**
- Should be displ…
Let's add in header logout button with this icon (for example)
After a user completes his onboarding steps the “Waiting for approval” label appears near the avatar on the top, like in Djinni
In this state, until he is verified, he won't be able to reach other pag…