Hey! is it not possible to use gpu acceleration like kangaroo for BSGS ?
python bsgs_dll_search.py -n 40000000000 -keyspace F00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000f0f2000000:F00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000fff2000000 -b bpfile.bin -bl b…
In the `discrete_log` function of **groups/generic.py** file, after the subgroup separation, the Baby step Giant step (`bsgs` function) algorithm will be used in each subgroup. However, bsgs require…
Your library performance is Very good for Scalar Multiplication. But i am trying for **Point Addition** and getting slower speed.
`pub1 = bit.Key.from_int(1)._pk.public_key`
`timeit pub1.combine_k…
After few hours try resolving my puzzle I got This resoult:
`root@a05c7fde0349:/app/keyhunt#` ./keyhunt -m bsgs -f key.txt -s 30 -t 8 -k 512
[+] Version 0.2.230519 Satoshi Quest (legacy…
Hello Alberto,
nvme disks approaches RAM speed.
It is possible Keyhunt using nvme storage to process bsgs?
Ali G
If someone interested to run it on Mac m1 chip maybe it will work on m2 too, this is the changed Make file:
make legacy
CC = clang
CXX = clang++
CFLAGS = -Ofast -target arm64-apple-mac…
关于 Lucas 定理及其扩展,BSGS及其扩展,快速质因数分解 Pollard-Rho,素性测试以及原根和阶的一些可爱知识。
I wanted to know if we could use someone else's created bloom filter file.
Suppose I have this file created on my machine for K 512 - keyhunt_bsgs_6_67108864.blm. Will it work on someone else's mach…
When i run old keyhunt BSGS with 100 pub. keys works OK no pub. key error, on a new version i get only: [+] Added 12 points from file; out of 100. I check pub. keys again and all correspond to the add…