In Elm properties of html tags are defined as a list.
profile user =
div [ class "profile" ]
[ img [ src user.picture ] []
, span [] [ text user.name ]
=> …
The following statement successfully sets up a connection to a websocket server
let ws = WebSockets.WebSocket.make "ws://localhost:5858"
|> WebSockets.WebSocket.setBinaryType Array…
We need a proper getting started for forks didn't have Elm background. For now I think it is a good idea to convert the official guide from Elm. If Reason version is included, it would be even more id…
Is `~key:_` supposed to work the same as `key` in React/Value and `keyed` in Elm? If yes, I have created a test case where some nodes' values are not updated even if the model changes. Here's t…
Perhaps I don't I understand how to use pushMsg. I'm extending the starter project like this:
in index.html:
buckle_app = starter.main(document.body);
I've added the msg **Animation…
I have an issue where event handler callbacks on a div that close over information do not get replaced even when the `key` of the event property changes.
I'm using a patched Tea_html.onWithOptions …
Our BS-tea-based editor uses contenteditable so that we can have a cursor in our app. Unfortunately, we are having difficult interactions between the bs-tea model and placing the cursor which causes s…
I was looking into doing some drag/drop with html5 (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTML_Drag_and_Drop_API) but this doesn't look possible yet?
Would it require a lot of effort? I …
Provide a better error message, a typical case:
$ npm update bucklescript-tea
+ bucklescript-tea@0.6.2
updated 1 package in 3.121s
$ npm run build
File "overbots/src/overbots.…
>one difference from the last version is that I'm using tea and when compiling I see lots of messages like /home/geraldo/projetos/Impressao/node_modules/bucklescript-tea/lib/bs/src/web_window.cmt => /…