I edited the footer.html template in order to set a custom footer, but since that footer has many elements, it does not give enough space for the dataset's result list (and other catalogue pages).
Complemento Spanish Inspire Catastral Downloader, falla al ejecutarse. Tengo descargada la última versión del complemento.
El problema es que me da fallos de ejecución de Python cuando solicito…
Hello I'm using your node to make a SOAP request from this site:
If you only fill the mandatory att…
There are quite a few countrywide repositories of cadastral parcels without address data attached. Perhaps someone has use for those, or can find a mapping from parcel ids to addresses:
La BD tiene dos relaciones con municipios, solo se utilizará la tabla municipios, se eliminará la tabla cat_municipios, si alguien está haciendo alguna referencia a esa para que haga el cambio. Me avi…
pycatstro v.0.1.3, Python 3.4:
from pycatastro import PyCatastro
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line …
In [`0616bd9`](https://github.com/sfvc/upptime/commit/0616bd93d9ab33ea76898b95a02a0630e90df751
), Catastro (https://catastro.catamarcaciudad.gob.ar/sfvccatastro/myLogin.php) was **down**:
- HTTP code:…
I've been compiling same software with different compilers in a few days. **canu** can be installed by gcc@8.3.0 and gcc@5.4.0 but by intel@19.0.4 not , some libraries I changed the way to compile wit…
[Spain's cadastral data seems to be open by decree](http://www.catastro.minhap.es/ayuda/legislacion/ovc/resoluciondgc20110323_tfs.pdf). Unfortunately, in [its easiest-to-use forms it is gated](https:/…