For example, using the [Chroma Docker container](https://docs.trychroma.com/deployment#docker)
FROM intelanalytics/ipex-llm-xpu:latest
RUN export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive && \
doc_api.py 复制过去修改后启动成功
When I try asking random questions in my chat that aren't related to my document, I still get an answer, and a reference number also appears. How to fix this?? any one please?
There are duplicate entries in my DB which I would like to delete.
Where is the DB stored on Windows 10? The documentation says that "The processed documents will be stored in db directory by defau…
Model on https://github.com/marella/chatdocs/blob/main/setup.py
I have been having some issues with dependencies lately and wanted to isolate an install over Conda. I am running into some issues. Anyone gotten this to run under Conda?
Invalid URL (POST /engines/text-embedding-ada-002/embeddings), openai 0.28.0包并不支持这个路径了,而是/embeddings,这个路由在chatdoc/server里不知道要哪里修改?