Hier ist der Auftrag, ein Low Fidelity Mockup in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Kunden zu gestalten. Danach wird es ein wenig optimiert, falls nötig.
Dieses Mockup wird dann zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt in ei…
#### Summary
New end device onboarding flow
Replaces #3770
Blocked by #4840
Blocked by #4841
Blocked by #4845
#### Why do we need this?
To make it even easier to onboard new …
Rework examples to be a better example of "real" processes
- [x] DataModelling -> Connect all objects with each other
- [ ] Microservices -> Shop/Warehouse Example is good -> More separate workflo…
I keep getting these reports lately. This is bad. Very bad. I'll start collecting the reports here, since the people who don't succeed with Wasabi are not the ones who are on GitHub.
- [x] Prototype exemplary content in blog post format
- [x] Prototype website [(Link to prototype)](https://www.figma.com/proto/QNqQLau8h1cvuEyX0e9wWH/CBPP-Best-Practices?node-id=15%3A879&scaling=min…
- Styling nach Clickdummy
- Daten einlesen
Hey everyone,
so I just wanted to switch from helm-operator to helm-controller, because the former one is not maintained anymore and a chart we want to use needs a newer helm version.
So I inst…
> [](https://github.com/ulfgebhardt) **Authored by [ulfgebhardt](https://github.com/ulfgebhardt)**
_Jun 26, 2019_
_Closed Jan 10, 2020_
## 🌟 Roadmap
> _This is a Bisq Network proposal. Please familiarize yourself with the [submission and review process](https://bisq.wiki/Proposals)._
## Overview
The suggested new architecture supports multiple…