Hi, I am trying to run the below from the standard workflow recieving this error. Please can you help?
labels_npz_path="stardist/he.npz", …
It appears that the address page (and signature page) have significant Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). I am unable to reproduce these numbers on my machine and having a hard time debugging this. So hel…
OS: Arch Linux
Python: 3.12.5
Estou testando o programa e durante a execução aparece seguinte mensagem: `sh: linha 1: cls: comando não encontrado`.
O comando `cls` é um comando específico do Wi…
I'm using CC1.4.1 and the ``cls`` terminal command does not clear the console, like it should.
Btw, give ter…
Hi @Wang0203,
The commands you need to use are along these lines:
python -u main_open_world.py \
--output_dir "exps/IL/19_1" --dataset VOC2007 --PREV_INTRODUCED_CLS 0 --CU…
Does this repo support yolo classification too?
I couldn't find `yolov10-cls` file. That's the model for classification.
Hi Rafi,
Thank you for sharing the code. I was trying to run your notebook which has a reference to
`mod_cls_txt_encoding = torch.load("/home/rafi/GeoSAM/mod_cls_txt_encoding.pth").to(device)`
11/20 10:40:53 AM: loading file E:/project/StAR_KGC-master/StAR_KGC-master/bert-base-uncased/bert-base-uncased-vocab.txt
11/20 10:40:53 AM: loading weights file E:…
Thanks for your work.
Where can I find the data for training the 3 binary classifiers ([explained in Section 5.1](https://aclanthology.org/2023.acl-long.619.pdf))?
Kind regards.