There was a request for VIF on [Discourse](https://discourse.julialang.org/t/regression-variance-inflation-factor-vif/60233/5).
It's pretty simple to add using the fact that VIFs = the diagonal elem…
Apr 21 - 27
1. Summarize the use of residual plot and hypothesis testing for regression diagnostics in books and articles, especially for detecting nonlinearity and heteroscedasticity.
- [x] **A…
I've been doing a little experimentation with concurrent ordination. I have, say, 4 predictors, with `X_1` being the one that i'm interested in scientifically, while the others are nuisance variables…
### JASP Version
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_No response_
### JASP Module
_No response_
### What analysis are you seeing the problem on?
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### Describe the issue linked to the documentation
Dear Authors.
First of all, let me express my respect for your hard work and success, acclaimed and used by thousands of ML specialists.
I would …
I am sure someone has already requested this feature. Will it be added any time soon?
I appreciate the effort you put into the software.
Given a model given by a few variables
In [6]:
import statsmodels.formula.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as sm
In [7]:
result = sm.ols(formula="medv ~ crim + zn + nox + ptratio + black…
See email.
ae = read.csv("ae-small.csv") # to be commented
# Motivation