1)在COCO和PASCAL VOC中如何获取显式的语言知识?
2)如果是从Visual Genome数据集迁移过来的,那又如何处理例外情况呢?就拿paper中的水果图为例,橘子不可能总是橙色的吧?香蕉也不会总在碗里吧?
### Prerequisite
- [X] I have searched [Issues](https://github.com/open-compass/opencompass/issues/) and [Discussions](https://github.com/open-compass/opencompass/discussions) but cannot get the expe…
launching the oro-view crashes with this error:
$ ./oro-view
liboro v.1.3.1 - oro-server v.0.8.1 - ontology initialized.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'oro::Ontology…
Hello. I'm interested in using KGBART to create a model capable of generating stories usin commonsense. I have a dataset with stories and the respective refered concepts. What I did was separate my da…
ana3A updated
8 months ago
What are the tool used to generate diagrams (or graphml files) from ontologies?
## 问题描述 / Issue Description
请简要描述您遇到的问题。 / Please briefly describe the issue you encountered.
## 使用的工具 / Tools Used
- [ ] Native / 原生框架
- [✅] Opencompass backend
- [ ] VLMEvalKit backend
- …
- [ ] [awesome-llm-planning-reasoning/README.md at main · samkhur006/awesome-llm-planning-reasoning](https://github.com/samkhur006/awesome-llm-planning-reasoning/blob/main/README.md?plain=1)
# awesom…
# 第十次CAIC沙龙活动通知
- 时间:10月14日周日晚上19:00-22:00
- 地点:北邮科研楼820
- 本次轮值主席:张崇宇 @High128Net
- 本次轮值副主席: 陈光 @cgpeter96
- 下次轮值主席:陈光 @cgpeter96
## 第九次CAIC沙龙活动纪要
I'm honored to have read your papers. I have a question about the process procedure for the ConceptNet. Could you please tell me where the file "concept.txt" comes from? Does it have all the words i…