Generalize `EvalM a` into a monad transformer `EvalT m a` for separation of concerns between `IO` and `Identity` parts. Then lift/rebase
EvalT Identity a -> EvalT IO a
using [`mmorp…
A common request is to have a way to pass a reference that actually _owns_ its referent. The idea originated long ago in an attempt to find a suitable type for `Drop`, but it's not a perfect fit there…
# Why do I still write this blog? / Jappie
Very generous of you to share. I want to translate those notes to Chinese and publish it on Github as open source. Can I ?
please create me an api call that will download this chat thread into a file on my machine.
create 1 recursive set chats, create 2. api call transfer this chat thread via a file between machines
Given the type of [`histo`](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/recursion-schemes-5.0.2/docs/Data-Functor-Foldable.html#v:histo), I would have expected a single Cofree to be built over the course of t…
StoreT violates the law that `extract (p q) = extract p (extract q)`
> let p = store (++) [1]
> let q = store id [2]
> extract (p q) == extract p (extract q)