This is a concept to make it easy to generate FHIR resources.
# Builder Functions.
We can introduce "builder" functions which make it easy to create a FHIR resource. Every FHIR resource type sho…
already some time ago, after reading Seven Sketches in Compositionality, I made the suggestion to add this nice big-semicolon operator to julia https://discourse.julialang.org/t/add-composition-operat…
Optional part 3 for abilities tutorial. Abilities for Monads users. Builds on the motivation for abilities in part 1 but with an eye towards users who are experienced with monadic effect management.
List all the good research hubs found in the comments. Some research hubs may include Subreddits, discord/slack channels, or forums.
``` coq
Set Printing Universes.
Monomorphic Definition U1 := Type.
Monomorphic Definition U2 := Type.
Definition bar := U1 : U2.
Definition baz := U2 : U1. (* This works!!!! *)
Definition qux := bar -…
Could you add our CVPR 2024 paper about vision-language pertaining, "Iterated Learning Improves Compositionality in Large Vision-Language Models", into this repo?
Paper link: https://arxiv.org/abs/…
#### Reason/Context
Please try answering few of those questions
- Why we need this improvement?
It would be very useful for existing AVRO schemas that take advantage of this feature: https://callis…
`CorkableWritableStream` (what a name!) inherits from `WritableStream` (or from `BaseWritableStream`? How do I mix them?). It adds public `cork` and `uncork` methods, and a constructor option `writev`…
@tetrapharmakon suggests that repetitions quickly make code less readable
\mor A ["h",below]:[bend right,->] B;
\mor * ["k", above]:[bend left,->] *;
\mor * ["\sigma\Uparrow",black,mid]…