As the SCS operator, I want to have a good understanding of the value proposition that confidential computing offers me over tenant separation and if and why I can't achieve the same offering with ten…
I'm new to confidential computing, and I want to test AMD sev_snp cooperating with Nvidia H100 to enable CC capability. However, I can't enable sev_snp by following the tutorial of sev-snp-deve…
We would like to investigate how we can port the KMS to UKI scenarios.
High level scenario:
- uki kairos node with encrypted partitions with a remote KMS in online mode (https://kairos.io/docs/…
The [Confidential Computing Consortium](https://confidentialcomputing.io) was formed in 2019 under the Linux Foundation and has members like Intel, AMD, ARM and Google, IBM, Microsoft. "Confidential c…
Bring Confidential VM support to Windows on AKS (Currently Public Preview for Linux)
Description: what's your idea?
After discussion with the Confidential computing project, it seems like there is an opportunity for collaboration to provide guidance for projects to create a confide…
since this Confidential Voting example https://docs.scrt.network/secret-network-documentation/confidential-computing-layer/ethereum-evm-developer-toolkit/usecases/confidential-voting/confidential-voti…
There is a divergence in confidential computing technology for AMD's SEV-SNP system (AMD's original https://github.com/AMDESE/linux-svsm, SUSE's COCONUT https://github.com/coconut-svsm/svsm) due to is…