I decided to use this month of solitude for learning and weight loss. Need a concrete plan. Web development is one out of many interests, with the most high priority. Looking for MOOC courses on clas…
What you'll learn:
- Would it be better to drop the reference to cosine similarity here as an "unsupervised method" along the lines of tf-idf and topic modeling?
- Would "word embedding" be better …
when I type: coursera-dl -u my_username -p my_password learning-how-to-learn
and then press "Enter",I get those message.
I enter the link which the message shows but I can not fix it.
can you help…
Can you please provide the week 4 programming assignment of Ethereum? Many thanks in advance.
06.22.2022 ~ 09.19.2022 동안 진행되는 **Google ML Bootcamp 2022** 에 관련한 활동 내역
Notion 페이지 : [Google ML Bootcamp 2002](https://horse-peripheral-56e.notion.site/Google-Developers-Bootcamp-2022-Main-048779d5a4…
Courses with a none alphanumeric prefix do not get downloaded. For instance:
Gets aborted with a message:
`coursera-dl: error: unrecognized argu…
Just as suggested here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12612198
Due to recent events, Coursera no longer offers courses from or related to Russian universities. Thus, the [mathematical thinking](https://www.coursera.org/learn/what-is-a-proof) course is no longer a…
I'm trying to run this project on Windows, however, I'm not able to find /Game/Maps/Course4 which is required as part of the command that is mentioned in the Wiki.
Can you please advise…
[exploratory data analysis.docx](https://github.com/swirldev/swirl/files/4985684/exploratory.data.analysis.docx)
I don't konw how to deal with praticing swril and submit assignments. I have installed…