Tout d'abord merci pour votre contribution sur les données libre du gouvernement.
Je suis en train de jeter un oeil aux données du COVID-19 et elles me paraissent erronées a de nombreux endroits. E…
We already have some published workflow based on the https://covid19.galaxyproject.org/ : https://usegalaxy.fr/workflows/list_published
I don't know if there are versionned but we should update th…
Hi everyone and thank you for all the great work!
I wanted a visual and interactive way to see how trends in various countries compared to each other, so I created a light and simple graph web page…
We are issuing this announcement to explain the logic behind our handling of cases, deaths, and recoveries in France. We recognize this has been a source of great frustration among developers, particu…
For those using Pandas, I propose the following fix for the 3/12 and 3/15 problems (wrong data, that apparently is not going to be corrected). Sources are cited. Not all the corrections, but the vast …
It would be really useful to support translations to other languages.
https://react.i18next.com/ is a reasonable option given the current tech stack
Sorry to say that - but JHU people do not seem to mind about the many complaints and issues here.
Maybe JHU is still valuable for US states.
But otherwise you can see the trends e.g. at
For France, it was found that the number of New cases and Death cases as per [JHU](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19/master/csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_time_series/time_se…
Hi, I tried to test the pre-train model with the original data from Spider. However, I notice that the final result generated by the `sem2SQL.py` replaces all the filter value by 1. For example when t…
IMO it would help to update the explicit data (opening_hours, delivery, takeway, drivethrough) *automatically*, even if a comment was given.
Like this, notes with comments that don't require any ch…