When running the following code, I run into the following error: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide
outcome = df_merged8.iloc[:, -1]
predictors = df_merged8.iloc[:…
There seem to be differences in how R and Stata handle failure times equal to zero (or more generally, failure times equal to entry times). We currently agree with R (at least in the failure time == …
Thank you for this package, it is exciting to see its rapid development.
Stata 17 added support for interval-censored semiparametric Cox proportional hazards models in the [stintcox](https://www.st…
I am trying to test different weights on my cox LASSO model to see if it will improve the model's performance.
However, there was no difference in the C-index scores when the model was weighted vs …
I encountered an issue when using the performance package to assess multicollinearity in Cox proportional hazards models. When I specify a model with exactly two predictors, the function che…
Hey fellas, thanks a lot for this package. I've been using it recently, and I noticed that, for some reason, it's taking a huge toll in my memory. I have a dataframe with 20k rows. Once I load the dat…
Hi @mattn, I wanted to use XGBoost for quantile regression but found that the loss function of pseudo Huber error does no better than a null model. Currently, `objective = 'reg:pseudohubererror'` pred…
Hi Jim, Nick, Deb
Thank you, Jim and Nick for your nice presentation last week. It caught my attention that in Cox model you used age as a time-varying covariate. It prompted me to perform some lit…
I was hoping to implement a competing risks estimator in my python package dcurves. I was wondering if this package would build out its survival modules to incorporate cox proportional hazards/…
I want to add random effects to my Cox model formulation, and I have noticed that
cox1 = coxph(@formula(event ~ A + B + C + (1|D)), data)
produces the following error:
> ERROR: Me…