`TargetPlatformIdentifier` is not inferred in .NET Core C++/CLI projects correctly. This affects (a) restore of C++/CLI .vcxproj and (b) creation of a new .NET Core C++/CLI .vcxproj in Visual Studio. …
# Issue Title
I write a demo console project with .NET Core 3.1.0 Preview 3 it works well on my computer, but when I try to run the project in windows docker it failed with the message:
I get this error after integrate:
Error C1083 Cannot open source file: '. /ZI /nologo /W3 /WX /diagnostics:classic /Od /Oy- /D _DEBUG /D WIN32 /D VSDEBUGENG_USE_CPP11_SCOPED_ENUMS /D GET_DEFINITION…
For complete fairness to C++/CLI (at least under .netfx), it would need to be compiled as /CLRUNMANAGEDCODECHECK:NO, so that the implicit DllImport stubs are decorated with SuppressUnmanagedC…
Can you explain more detail for me how to run it? I don't understand about "Open the C# project under 'ui' folder and run it". I do that but I still can't run it.
We have a number of binary files in our repository that simply don't belong there. In many cases we have a binary .ddl sitting alongside the source file it was compiled from. In those cases the binary…