I want understand if we always need the crispy form.
And if i can still use default Django admin theme.
And if the date/datetime picker have a selector.
My project is already be using "crispy_bootstrap5" and "CRISPY_TEMPLATE_PACK = "bootstrap5", but in your documentation you reference bootstrap4. I'm having a problem where my totals "row" isn't align…
### Game name
### Title ID
### Save description
00000001.zip=[SLUS20946] SanAndreas
Running `python manage.py compress --force` I am getting the error:
> Invalid template django_filters/rest_framework/crispy_form.html: 'crispy_forms_tags' is not a registered tag library.
In the work around the new dashboard and handling forms, I found a few forms where we decided to use the Crispy layout API instead of a basic Django form. This was usually to add fieldsets, but someti…
### Bug Description
When I am adding a Select2MultipleWidget in a django-filters form, the search field is moved down, so it isn't in the select-box as expected. Hapenning with Standard theme and wit…
## Instructions
[Click here to begin writing your FYI](https://cnissues.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/resumedraft.action?draftId=378470514)
When completed, please create a file `FYI.md` in this repo…
Would it be possible to add MIDI Through Port-0 as a MIDI device on Linux, like Woof! or GZDoom?
Alternatively, Crispy Doom lets you pass a command-line MIDI player: [https://github.com/fabiangreffr…