Hi, I am following this course and trying to solve the assignment 2 coding task. I can't pass the check in Loss of negSampling as my result is 14.3018669327, which is shown in your solution code word2…
**System and Shadowsocksx-NG version:**
- macOS 10.13.6
- Shadowsocksx-NG 1.8.2 (全局/自动模式均尝试了)
**Actual behavior:**
在Jupyter下尝试访问Twitter API
Make a note of how the natural log ($\log_e$) is often used in ML loss functions. See lecture 1 derivation cs 224n.
Subword Models 解决OOV问题 OOV: out-of-vocabulary即单词不在词汇库里的情况之前的模型都是基于单词层面的,但是对于一个新单词“asd”没有解决方案。一个朴素的想法就是“拆分”,把长单词拆成几个单词的组合。相对于中文来说,就是一个新的词组去按照每个字的意思去理解单词的意思。下面是解决方案。
在q2_rnn.py 中的Config里面
`n_word_features = 2 # Number of features for every word in the input.`
最近在看CS224N,本文是第一周的阅读任务之一(原文链接),以下是全文翻译。   该教程讲解了Word2Vec中的Skip-Gram神经网络结构,教程的目标是深入讲解细节。 模型  Skip-Gram神经网络模型的基本形式非常简单,如果从细节上的调整和优化开始解释则会显得…
Loading Embedding Matrix
WARNING:tensorflow:: Using a concatenated state is slower and will soon be deprecated. Use state_is_tuple=True.
WARNING:: Using a concatenated state is slower and will soon…
- [COS333](https://www.cs.princeton.edu/courses/archive/spring16/cos333/lectures.html)