See https://github.com/microbit-foundation/DAPLink-microbit/issues/119
It would appear that DAPLink versions that are identical apart from their version number yield different behaviour when datalo…
This is a holding ticket, because I couldn't find any visible activity tickets that captured this work, and PXT is reliant on this work in order to be able to surface a good filing system experience.
This MakeCode programme hangs at the data logging block, so the micro:bit only shows the sad face image, it never reaches the beating heart:
With the micro:bit V2.2 boards when DAPLink is erasing a flash page if the CPU tries to access flash (e.g. to fetch an instruction) it will be blocked until the erase operation is done.
This affect…
Need to add readme to DAPLink projects folder that contains a brief description of what DAPLink is and where to find the software. Needs to link to the DAPLink project. Should also mention that the re…
A new Verify field has been added to DAPLinks program_target_t structure. This should be included in the flash_blob files generated for use inside DAPLink.
Hi there, how is it doing? I hope you all are having great days!
On 2020, I have struggled a lot on DAPlink using interface LPC11U35 for lpc1768/88.
The project that I have taken as…
First off a big thank you for creating this and putting it on github!
I created a board with a CH551 on it to use as a build in SWD, however the DAPLink would become unresponsive. After some debugg…
I'm trying to use BLE Nano 2 as a bluetooth LE dongle powered by Zephyr (e.g. https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/blogs/1059/nrf5x-support-within-the-zephyr-project-rtos/), but had several UART and USB iss…