# Info
We want more examples of how to use our One Column Layout, described in Patterns and Templates --> Layout. Duplicating our current capabilities with one, two, and three column layouts, but onl…
'VO'를 'DTO'의 의미로써 쓰는것을 지향하는 배경은 아래와 같습니다.
getter/setter만 있는, 값을 실어나르는 VO라고 칭하는 사람이 있는데 이는 DTO로 칭하는 것이 혼란의 여지가 적습니다. Core J2EE Patterns 라는 책의 초판에서 그 의미로 VO가 정의되어 있었지만, 혼동의 여지가 있어서 2판부터는 TO(T…
Instead of generating standard enums, will it be possible to generate enumeration classes as discussed here:
Please read this : https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/architecture/microservices/microservice-ddd-cqrs-patterns/net-core-microservice-domain-model
### Microsoft PowerToys version
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PowerToys auto-update
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# Info
Multiple teams have been requesting an email template that's managed by the Design System Team.
We may need to look into a CDN to host the CSS for this purpose, or use strictly inline CSS…
- https://gitee.com/mallfoundry/mallfoundry
- https://github.com/VaughnVernon/IDDD_Samples
- https://github.com/citerus/dddsample-core
- https://gi…
Fig 7.7 would benefit from using some UML notation for how the dependencies are implemented. The current diagram, at first glace, seems to indicate that the Application layer would have a dependency…
CQRS (but not necessarily CQS) typically implies that you [maintain a completely separate domain model for your Command side and your Query side](https://martinfowler.com/bliki/CQRS.html).
With tha…
Hi @PrismaPhonic and thanks for your work on this project!
Is there any chance you could add simple example usages of the traits provided by domain_patterns? I am attempting to apply it to my DDD-w…