Would it be possible to create and implement traits (or interfaces or typeclasses) in DDlog?
What I would like is inversion of control. I want some framework-like DDlog that can operate on any DDlo…
Any idea why
``` objective-c
[DDLog addLogger:[DDTTYLogger sharedInstance] withLogLevel:XMPP_LOG_FLAG_SEND_RECV | XMPP_LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE];
DDFileLogger * fileLogger = [[DDFileLogger alloc]in…
In large applications, the `app.ddlog` file can get quite large (1500+ lines)... and along with it, the `deepdive do` plan can get quite unwieldy too. Two possible ways to improve this:
1. Allow user…
i have all the dependence done,but when i run
`cc -shared -fPIC -I${JAVA_HOME}/include -I${JAVA_HOME}/include/${JDK_OS} -I. -I${DDLOG_HOME}/lib ${DDLOG_HOME}/java/ddlogapi.c -Ltarget/release/ -lrout…
`ddlog --help` says the following about `-o`:
-o DIR --output-dir=DIR Output directory (default based on program name).
To me, this means that the output directory …
Change code generation to keep static crates (d3log, cli, differential_daltalog, ovsdb) under $DDLOG_HOME instead of copying them to each generated Rust project.
Currently ddlog does not support aggregating an array of variables into a factor function.
@mbudiu-vmw , @blp, @Kixiron , your feedback on this RFC would be appreciated.
We would like to support programs that start multiple instances of the same or different DDlog programs in separate p…
I noticed that log statements were not be output to my console a short time after starting my run. In my app delegate's didFinishLaunching I call:
[DDLog addLogger:[DDASLLogger sharedInstance]];
I have a quick question about the ddlog performance. Please see the following.
I have a .dl file that contains 4000+ lines. But the .dat file is fairly small. Please see the test files at…