2022-08-18 15:41:56,733 INFO: Dataset PairedImageDataset - gopro-test is created.
2022-08-18 15:41:56,733 INFO: Number of val images/folders in gopro-test: 1194
.. cosineannealingLR
2022-08-18 15:4…
Hey, thanks for such an interesting work. I am wondering is there any 1x deblur model, without any resolution change? I thought super-resolution could also solve the problem of motion deblur, is it th…
Hi @csdwren, thanks for the cool research and the open source.
Do you plan to provide something like a (ideally - free) online image deblur solution?
I imagine that it should be easy to setup.
It w…
I managed to get GIMP-ML installed in GIMP 2.99.12 on Windows 10. The weights were downloaded and installed manually.
The plugins load and appear in the layers menu but fail upon first use. I tried s…
Does anyone see .yml file of EDVR deblurring training? I am gonna train EDVR for deblurring on my dataset but didn't find any related .yml file. Can anyone help?
See attached - just a silly graphical bug - likely some UX nonsense guys.
If you need logs, let me know and I'll provide.
(Deblur) S:\deblur-gan>python deblur_image.py --image_path=S:\deblur-gan\images\test\a
C:\Users\motor\Anaconda3\envs\Deblur\lib\site-packages\h5py\__init__.py:36: FutureWarning: Conversion of th…
Firstly, I really appreciate how fast Phạm Băng Đăn has replied, also re-write the readme.md and updated an inference code.
When I first run the inference command ( maybe this just applies the blur2…
Command and error message:
> python .\BasicVSR_PlusPlus\demo\restoration_video_demo.py .\BasicVSR_PlusPlus\configs\basicvsr_plusplus_denoise.py .\basicvsr_plusplus_denoise-28f6920c.pth .\1_3s_su…
Dear all,
I used Snakemake before, and now I wanted to return. To my surprise I am unable to run the simplest toy example of functionality (basically copied-pasted from tutorial). I provide 2 files…