Hello, I have read the paper "Graph Contrastive Learning with Augmentations" with the appendix, but implementation of contrastive learning in unsupervised_Cora_Citeseer looks a bit unclear for me. Cou…
In _https://community.stellargraph.io/t/use-gcn-lstm-to-generate-descriptions-for-scenes-represented-by-graphs/170/5_ , the questioner has given an example of what his model will receive in input…
I've trained a deep graph infomax model with graphsage as it's base model. I only saved the deep graph infomax model. Is there a way to extract the trained graphsage model from within the trained DGI …
Moved from #714 . Currently, we have node-level and edge-level data (e.g. `ndata` and `edata`). The RFC proposes to add a dictionary for graph-level data (using torch syntax as an example):
Dear authors, It seems that you still follow a local-global contrastive manner when applying the model to node classification tasks(it's similar to 'mvgrl' but adopts different data augmentations). Is…
Hi Yuning,
There are some errors in the code.
When I run `mask` and `edge` in `unsupervised_Cora_Citeseer` using `python -u execute.py --dataset citeseer --aug_type mask --drop_percent 0.20 --se…
## 🐛 Bug
## To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Cloned and install Pytorch 1.8 with
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch -c conda-fo…
您好。我想请问一下,以acm为例,聚类任务中,用于聚类测试 数据是全部的数据还是仅仅是test的数据;分类任务中,训练数据为20%和80%,这个是全部数据的还是test数据的。非常感谢您。
## ❓ Questions & Help
In [examples/reddit.py](https://github.com/rusty1s/pytorch_geometric/blob/master/examples/reddit.py) (line 61), why is relu not applied to x in the last layer in the infe…