### Background
We are a vendor implementing a DFP for a family of devices. There are 8 distinct parts, each with the same 2 cores (and these 2 are different from one another). In other words, we have…
I have recently identified an issue with the Admin0 layer used on the IFRC GO platform, particularly in regions where there are territorial disputes. The problem occurs when Admin0 bo…
"The CA MUST NOT proceed with certificate issuance if the number of non-corroborations is greater than allowed in the Quorum Requirements table and if the remote Network Perspectives that do corrobora…
My vision for the "extending the calendar" section of the frontend is a breadcrumb approach, starting from the more general areas down to the more specific areas:
Instead of having three separate m…
In the cities DB, "regions" are defined as states, but in the states database the subdivision of "regions" (departement) is defined, so there is no link between cities and states
The data-transform tool add a region variable to the data which is based on the data lat/long, and a list of predefined geojson polygons. As of now, only polygons from the west coast are available and…
`runtime/trace` allows users to create application-defined tasks and regions of processing within those tasks, but no existing tooling surfaces them.
I lack the domain expertise to know how difficu…
Hi, I'm getting the following error:
ReferenceError: regions is not defined
at d (/var/app/current/node_modules/moment-holiday/build/moment-holiday-us.min.js:6:3117)
at Object.add (/va…
Hi RagnarB83,
I am testing an Oniom calculation with Orca+GFN2. However, I found that even though numcores were set to 16, Orca was still running in serial. Best regards.
from ash import *
quanp updated
3 weeks ago
Consider the following example:
subroutine some_kernel(flag1, flag2, ...)
implicit none
logical, intent(in) :: flag1, flag2
logical :: local_flag
!$acc routine vector
!$acc loop ve…