### Description
[This page](https://cloudscape.design/get-started/resources/design-resources/) pointing to Figma with outdated components. Components library last time update was 2 years ago.
# Omschrijving
De pre-heading component is een component dat ervoor zorgt dat er een stukje tekst `boven` een header te komt staan, maar in de HTML `onder` de header staat. Dit i.v.m. accessibility.
Create two base classes.
ViewComponent - a component that does not carry any state and it basically a function that will return a HtmlTemplateNode;
StateComponent - a component that can dynamical…
Should be callback free, emits a new event goes to stream. Listens to stream for events targated to it.
The abstraction I want each component is that it can be connected to n no. of streams and ca…
Context: https://stellarfoundation.slack.com/archives/C02A0KTN6U9/p1731534553038399
Design System > Component > Create new component for Transfer List and Aspect ratio
Design link : https://v4.mui.com/components/transfer-list/#transfer-list
# Overview
Design the Checkers tile component.
# Details
- Basic Tile .js functional component
- Updates to documentation
- Reference Card.jsx for format
## User Story
As a user, I need a clear and intuitive interface for configuring component overrides, so that I can easily add, edit, and manage overrides for my components without confusion.
## Spe…
Design System > Compare all components with design link
Staging : https://stage-react.raaghu.ai/
Design URL : https://www.figma.com/design/vziFLZAgMFi8wA5SlikLh5/Raaghu-Design-System?node-id=683-4188…
## What
> We propose adding an option for a top banner on the existing [Card component](https://design.va.gov/components/card).
## Purpose
> The banner will allow product teams to emphasize certain…