## Description
We have taken over ownerships of the Patterns, Templates and Forms library and need to do some final clean up to make it ready for the public. We have done some clean up but there are s…
Code Input Group bestaat uit Code Input.
[Code Input in Local - Rijkshuisstijl - Bibliotheek](https://www.figma.com/design/Nv5EsCW9ioWBUSi9m9JqOa/Local---Rijkshuisstijl---Bibliotheek?node-i…
_Need help? Please review [how to read a Staging Review ticket](https://depo-platform-documentation.scrollhelp.site/collaboration-cycle/anatomy-of-a-staging-review-issue-ticket). Tag `@platform-govern…
# Omschrijving
De pre-heading component is een component dat ervoor zorgt dat er een stukje tekst `boven` een header te komt staan, maar in de HTML `onder` de header staat. Dit i.v.m. accessibility.
_Need help? Please review [how to read a Staging Review ticket](https://depo-platform-documentation.scrollhelp.site/collaboration-cycle/anatomy-of-a-staging-review-issue-ticket). Tag `@platform-govern…
Hello PhishFort team
We are a design and development agency, we create dashboard and web applications. We have a problem with our website and subdomain templates.
## Description
As a user, I want to see complete info on a card. WIth 5 different types of templates the innovation pack card is "full" and there's no room to add the amount of subspace templates ins…
Describe the bug (REQUIRED)
GUI templates and layouts do not work consistently across different platforms (e.g., Linux vs HTML5). Using GUI templates is intended to avoid redundant code and design, b…
In the demo Sept 17 policy advised that despite sending an email to an SI themselves, we are not authorized to include the full birth date of the SI. Updates are needed in the email design for an SI u…
Aangemaakt voor https://github.com/nl-design-system/rijkshuisstijl-community/issues/807
# Omschrijving