On Power 9 OCP, installed Open Liberty Operator 1.4.0, install RH Serverless operator and Knative serving using script https://github.ibm.com/websphere/operators/tree/main/scripts/configure-cluster/se…
Failure link
From [an internal build](https://hyc-runtimes-jenkins.swg-devops.com/job/Test_openjdknext_j9_extended.openjdk_aarch64_linux_Personal/29/consoleFull)(`ubu22-aarch64-5`):
[nixos]: https://nixos.org/
[nix-logo]: https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-homepage/blob/c0348643315bcf59c4a6415be9ecdf071be79768/public/logo/nixos-logo-only-hires.png
Thanks a lot for such a…
- docker compose for native and coprocessor
- "default" terraform useful for partners
- Testing suite to help partners (and us) test that everything works end to end
- Benchmark tools
Possible n…
Given the following template (we basically dump all available information in a machine-parsable format):
messageTemplate: |
Image Update Automation:{{ range $images := .Update…
### Describe your question
Can i change the docker network when a vsts container is created?
When creating a new container, vsts agent creates it is own random network.
i tried the settings;
[Step 5]: starting Harbor ...
WARN[0000] /mnt/c/Users/Devops/Documents/localenv/harbor/docker-compose.yml: `version` is obsolete
[+] Running 10/10
✔ Network harbor_harbor Created …
### Describe the feature request
To enable k8s support for prover devOps.
- [ ] k8s deployment config: @johntaiko
- [x] deploy on tx cloud the 1st.
- [x] link with in-k8s node for bett…
**Describe the bug**
The bulkconfig tolls is not available in dockerhub for consumption as the documentation says: https://devops.pingidentity.com/how-to/buildPingFederateProfile/
**To Reproduce**…