I've just encountered strange behavior when Doctrine ORM 2.5.5 tries to recreate some of indexes each time when I'm generating the migration or using `doctrine:schema:update` in my project.
I have …
i get this stack trace when i try to load fixtures for media entity, could you please update the fixture class, and thank you for your work and tutorials really a life saver
loading [1] Ecommerce\Eco…
OS: Windows 10
PHP version: 8.3.10
Composer version: 2.6.6
Tried to create a demo project, like described in the docs...
D:\>symfony new symfony-test --demo
* Creating a new Symfony Demo…
### Environment
#### Package
$ composer show --latest gedmo/doctrine-extensions
name : gedmo/doctrine-extensions
descrip. : Doctrine behavioral extensions
keywords : Blamea…
### Environment
- [FrankenPHP](https://frankenphp.dev/)
#### Package
$ composer show --latest gedmo/doctrine-extensions
name : gedmo/doctrine-extensions
descrip. : Doctrine b…
I haven't found any previous discussions about this topic, so I start one here:
One thing that is missing from this gem (and we had it in capifony) is doctrine integration.
I have this basic list of…
EDIT: Assetic has changed its path, so you can remove assetic tags from app/config/config.yml and app/config/config_dev.yml to get rid of the error.
i'm writting this thread in order to detail t…
sibok updated
8 years ago
Error when I run comand
`docker-compose run php php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load`
`06:38:39 ERROR [console] Error thrown while running command "doctrine:fixtures:load". Message: "Couldn…
### Preconditions
-------------------- ---------------------------------
-------------------- ---------------------------------
is that correct?
"require-dev": {
"ext-zip": "*",
"dama/doctrine-test-bundle": "^6.3",
"doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle": "^3.3",
zerai updated
2 years ago