In yii2 exist `@bower` alias. Use it instead of hardcoded path like this: `@vendor/bower-asset/sweetalert2/dist`
Hi Sir:
If I want to add a RESTful-API for blog , Which directory is better to put? like 'api\modules\v1\controllers'.
Is there anything to pay attention to?
I found out the folder: '/vendor/bower-asset/sweetalert2/dist' disappear, How can I get it back?
I got error message:
Invalid Parameter – yii\base\InvalidParamException
The file or directory to…
Hi Sir:
When I set up 'language' => 'en-US' in common\config\main.php , backend & frontend not found the current message file. Which file I need to setup?
When I Setup the domainFrontend & domainBackend
If I want to create a blog system base on your yii2-advanced-start, which models folder should put the new system? common\models or modules\blog\models ?
I modify the code `'original-title' => Module::t('module', 'Click to change auth key')` in the view: _profile.php , I follow the index.php to want to show tooltip , but not work. Could you tell me why…
Hi Sir:
when i run "php yii rbac/rbac/init" , "php yii users/user/create"... how to set default language is en-US?
Разобрался я с переворотом карты, дело как и [говорил](https://github.com/GHopperMSK/svgMap/issues/3#issuecomment-351649000), в данных.
Распарсил новые данные, подключил и всё ОК!
Demo: http://www.p…
Hi Sir:
Is possible to setup a authentication for RESTful?