I used the same hyperparameters setting for DukeMTMC and MSMT17 as the setting in Market1501 training config file. And I used the pretrained Resnet model from https://kaiyangzhou.github.io/deep-…
Hi it might be a simple question but I need assistance regarding training model for video reid dataset. I have specified an engine as follows:
datamanager = torchreid.data.ImageDataManager(
Following is my problem, I download your pretrained model from google drive.
I load dukemtmc.pth.tar successful but fall at market1501.
Any suggestion about this? Anyway, I could retrain a market15…
I just followed the url: https://drive.google.com/uc?id=0B0VOCNYh8HeRdnBPa2ZWaVBYSVk to download dukemtmc dataset. However, I got the "404 not found". The url may be wrong again. Did Anyone fix it? t…
Also, how can we use the same model to compute the test performance of other datasets?
Is it possible to use the provided model on other datasets? Or any suggestion about how it can be done?
Excuse me
I tried using 10 or 200 or 300 pictures, found that the use of too few pictures or too many pictures will have this problem. I would like to ask you, how to solve this?
Hi,i noticed that the Table1. shows the comparision experiments results related with some previous works in the experiments part of your paper. And the results of the EUG method are listed below (fro…