I am using EntityFramework 6.1.3, EntityFramework6.Npgsql 3.1.1, Npgsql 3.2.0
When I use "update-database", the connected Postgres database gets updated properly. When I try to generate migration s…
Currently trying out EFPlus and it's looking pretty awesome. Great job!
I noticed the limitation you documented on your wiki for EF6: [here](https://github.com/zzzprojects/EntityFramework-Plus/wiki/E…
### Description
I have a Entity class with the Key column attribute. As per entity framework default behavior for the key column is DatabaseGenerated = DatabaseGeneratedOption.None.
But Effort.EF6 i…
### Type of issue
### Description
why dont Show EF Core 6, AppDbContext onModelCreating in modelbuilder.HasDefaultSchema("Schema name");
### Page URL
Hi Guys.
I use MockQueryable approach for EF async methods testing.
But I've noticed that it doesn't work for async methods for collections, exactly 'bulk extensions': https://entityframework-extens…
.NET 5.0
Entity Framework 6
OData 8.0.3
After upgrading from 8.0.0-preview3 to 8.0.3, when ever I query with $select the following exception is thrown
I upgraded my project to EF6 and this library no longer works, so I enabled temporal tables for my entities using EF6 integrated system. However when I create a new migration it tries to create tempor…
## File a bug
Performance degraded when migrated from EF2 to EF6
### Include your code
Please see repository for test cases and database setup, + test cases for AsSplitQuery and EFPlus Optimi…
Hello @maddy027 ,
I have seen your post about EF6 not supporting `.NET Core`.
If you want, you could try [EF Classic](http://entityframework-classic.net/) (An evolved version of EF6 with perform…
I just tested your library and I found 1 unwanted behavior.
I'm using attributes **AuditInclude** over class and **AuditExclude** over property.
In case when I change only property with **…