when I run my app with dapp-core and I see the console, I find a lot of errors and warnings but the app dont crash. The app runs without problems but there is a lot of errors in console. The easiest w…
Hello, I found two issues that happens frequently:
**1-** The logout function does not work most of the time, it does clear the localStorage and sessionStorage, but then when we try to signin with …
I'm calling
in it's response `assets` is an empty array `[]`.
I think this issue is related to:
On our web client, we have an issue when trying to run it on iOS. When we send a transaction to our contract, it fails immediately with the following Network error:
_[Error] Failed to load resourc…
I got many problems with the WebWalletLoginButton:
1-When you are already connected, and logged out then you log in another time, you don't have to scan the maiar QR code or to give the PEM, so you a…
Android Maiar app 1.5.40 (seems to be a problem only on Android)
When I want to disconnect using a dapp, the Maiar on Android stays connected. This is like that on maiar.exchange and dapp-template…
Elrond Login through Web Wallet using Maiar or Ledger does not allow the user to send transactions
Hi there!
Currently building a dApp on Elrond, I'm really interested in using meta-transactions explained here: https://github.com/ElrondNetwork/elrond-specs/blob/main/sc-meta-transactions.md.
How are we going to support "web wallet for minting the Data NFT"?? As it takes the user away from the browser and the UI will close. Any suggestions?
_Originally posted by @newbreedofgeek in https…
Seems that using dapp-core 1.3.2 adds some bugs for web wallet + json tx sending