I'm trying to make ENC28J60 work with NodeMCU. I followed the connection instructions and I'm using the 2N3905 transistor for decoupling GPIO15 along with 3.3k resistor. NodeMCU boots fine but from Se…
"The library cannot currently be used with hardware based on the ENC28J60 chip – such as the Nanode or the Nuelectronics Ethernet Shield. For those, there is an alternative library available."
I'm trying to get WebSockets to work with an ESP32 (az-delivery, wroom) and an ENC28J60 module.
Minimal example:
Hi ..
I would like to use your library instead that with the wifi network using an ethernet cable.
The Ethernet shield is Enc28J60...
Can you provide some code examples about where modify and wh…
Enc28J60-based shields are few dollars cheaper and are widely spread.
Edit [stubs](https://github.com/4ntoine/ArduinoCommander-ethernet/tree/master/Ethernet) to add Enc28J60 support.
Uncomment `//#i…
// Reset the transmit logic problem. See Rev. B7 Silicon Errata issues 12 and 13
Please add support for the following devices and sensors that have kernel support:
BME280, BME680, BMP280, BMP380, HDC100X,
JC42 complaint sensors, for example MCP980x, MPU6050, MPU…
Hi... I am trying this example to use your library with ESP32 and ENC28J60 shield.
// Enter a MAC address and IP address for your controller below.
// The IP address wi…
### Describe the feature
Add ENC28J60 support on Serial Port 1.
(Serial Port 2 is taken and I'd like to use my Serial Port 1 breakout board I use to mess with stuff :) )
I'm not familiar enough w…
Cosm API integration, processing client..
A wireless network to LAN node, a router.
Microchip's enc28j60 is preferred over wiznet's w5100 if possible.
etemu updated
11 years ago