There are too many property types. May need to reduce the dimension using PCA.
'one_hot_encoder__property_type_Bed & Breakfast',
Hello, the research group I work for is porting their software to HIP, and while we've been porting, we've ran up against an issue with HIP's operator overloading for complex types:
For example:
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y)
pip = Pipeline(steps=[('transformer', prince.FAMD(n_components=13)), ('estimator', DecisionTreeRegressor())])
pip.fit(X=X_train, y=y_tr…
Hi, at the moment, applying the [FAMD method](https://github.com/MaxHalford/prince/blob/master/prince/famd.py) the categorical columns are preprocessed using OneHotEncoder from Sklearn library without…
Dear princes!
I've noticed a warning when executing the below code using `famd()`. Find [attached](https://github.com/MaxHalford/prince/files/11604593/pip-packages.txt) the list of installed packag…
Thanks for this really cool package. I was just looking at using `FAMD` and noticed that whilst it inherits from `PCA`, it has a number of methods that are marked as not implented. Is there a reason w…
When applying the FMA method to a group of categorical and numerical variables, I'm having difficulty finding a guide on how to do it specifically for a group of categorical variables.
If I only cr…
`prince 0.10.7` requires `altair
I think biplots are very informative for PCA. Therefore, I tried to plot "loading scores" of FAMD.
Therefore I took column correlations, scaled them by (max - min) on the axis and plotted t…
I was trying use row_contributions on FAMD to recover the contributions of each individual column on the principal components, but it throws me an error. Wasn't sure if it is because it hasn't been bu…