Looks like [recent changes](https://github.com/SYSTRAN/faster-whisper/commit/eb8390233c160a8232abf88f9b949eb5cbc48df8) to faster-whisper broke compatibility with stable-ts, giving errors like this:
Hello everyone, hope everything is going well.
With the newest Subtitle Edit 4.0.9 beta update (and every release after the final version of Subtitle Edit 4.0.3, or after December 23, 2023) there's…
redirect std output
vad_filter : False
Transcribes options:
-audio : ['C:/Users/lkjhg/Desktop/111.mp3']
-language : zh
-task : False
-beam_size : 5
-best_of : 5
Apparently adding
`!pip install ctranslate2==4.4.0` fixes this, but I wanted to ask if this should be something added to stable-ts or if every…
faster_whisper 中使用了ctranslate2,我是用最新版本的ctranslate2,报错 CUDA版本不对,降到3.2.40之后 提示缺少cuda.so文件。
各位大佬有使用11.8 的cuda没有,使用的faster_whisper和ctranslate2,版本是什么呀。抄下作业
I am using the faster-whisper-server on a Mac M1 with the following start command:
_docker run --publish 8000:8000 --volume ~/.cache/huggingface:/root/.cache/huggingface fedirz/faster-whi…
With local deployment, the PRELOAD_MODELS config variable works perfectly :
PRELOAD_MODELS='["Systran/faster-whisper-medium.en", "Systran/faster-whisper-small.en"]' MAX_MODELS=2 uvicorn main:a…
[Faster whisper](https://pypi.org/project/faster-whisper/) is up to 4 times faster than regular whisper while providing the same result quality and using less memory.
After creating a docker container following the tutorial video and readme, I tried Live Transcription of microphone input using ffmpeg, but it didn't work properly.
After checking the doc…